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was from the musical standpoint, probably the best of the whole series. It opened with Mendlesoohln’s overture to Ruy Blas which was played with great swing and verve and met with general appreciation. It was followed by Beethovens No. 5 symphony, in C minor, each of the four movements of which were rendered extremely well . . . . . . . . . .

Siam Observer
Friday January 23, 1931.
Symphony Concerts
First of New Series
Excellent Musical Treat

From the point of view of numbers, the attendance at the first of the series of Symphony Concerts by the Royal Orchestra, at the Sala Sahadaya Samagom Hall, Grand Palace, last night, was disappointing, but it was exceedingly appreciative of the efforts of the musicians. There is no question as to the relative claims of the Sala Sahadaya Samagom Hall and the Theatre Royal for an entertainment of this nature, the former is infinitely the superior, though the brasses in the confined space last night were inclined to be on the loud side, but the surroundings helped greatly to bring out the beauty of the string instruments. So even if the brasses were a little loud, the Hall is superior from the point of view of acoustics . . .

Local Radio

Both the officials (at 11 P.M.) and the Royal Orchestra are to be congratulated upon the way the concern of the latter in the Sahadaya Hall of the Grand Palace was put on the air last night . . . . . . . . . .

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