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Education in Italy
The Origin and Objects of the Reform of Education

“Italy has a great tradition of culture, but poverty of resources and, above all, want of spiritual vision has led to a decay of the public schools. Although the percentage of illiteracy had tended to diminish and even to disappear in some districts, especially in Piedmont, our citizens no longer sought in education those broad foundations of physical, intellectual, and moral culture which are the rightful heritage of the human race. The middle schools were overcrowded, because all could gain admission, independently of real merit, by passing multifarious examinations, which were often reduced to a mere formality. They did not employ intelligent methods of selection or of vocational guidance. The mill grounds out in great quantity a type of men whose usual goal was a job in the bureaucracy. Puppets of the same kind were turned out by university training in the so-called liberal arts such as jurisprudence and medicine.

“It was time that a mechanism so delicate and exercising so powerful an influence on the life of the nation should be reconstructed on a practice, definite, and organic plan. We had to expel the negative elements from the middle schools, and we were resolved to instill into the public schools those broad humanistic principles which had enriched our history and our traditions.

Finally, it was imperative to give education a new discipline to which all must submit, the teachers first of all.

เราจะสอนให้คนไทยเห็นว่า Absolute Monarchy ดีกว่าการปกครองอย่างอื่นได้หรือไม่ น่าสงสัยมาก.The Government demands that the school should be inspired with the ideals of Fascism; it demands that it should be not merely not hostile to Fascism but in no way out of sympathy with it or indifferent to it; and it demands that the whole school system in every grade and every phase of its teaching should educate Italian youth to understand Fascism, to renew themselves in Fascism and to live in the historic atmosphere created by the