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Fascist Revolution.

“Education is one. There are no watertight compartments. In education all is related, from the infant school to the university; and all teachers, entrusted as they are with the youth of the nation from tender years to manhood, share the same joint responsibility, moral and intellectual, for the efforts of all have a common aim.

“I intend that the whole school system shall be above all educative, formative, and moral. It is not necessary to cram the mind with learning, past and present. Learning is nothing but a special Swedish gymnastic, necessary to mental training, and is the more useful the sooner its useless and superfluous details are forgotten. Rather, it is necessary that the schools should form the character of the Italian nation.”

(From the Year Book of Education 1932 edited by Lord Eustace Percy, M.P. Chapter Iii page 858.)

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