

จาก วิกิซอร์ซ
(เปลี่ยนทางจาก แม่แบบ:Plain sister)
Documentation icon คู่มือการใช้งานแม่แบบ[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]



This template provides a simple list of links to sister WMF projects.

  • An interface to this template is already included in {{header}}, {{author}} and {{portal header}}, and this methodology is to be used as the preference in the respective namespaces — Main, Author and Portal
  • Where the above header templates are not used this template is to be used, instead of bulky templates like {{wikipedia}}.
{{Plain sister
| edition = yes
| portal = 
| related_author = 
| wikipedia = 
| commons = 
| commonscat = 
| wikiquote = 
| wikinews = 
| wiktionary = 
| wikibooks = 
| wikiversity = 
| wikispecies = 
| wikivoyage = 
| wikidata = 
| wikilivres = 
| meta = 



This template uses the following parameters. All parameters are optional. if you enter no parameters, no output will be generated.

  • edition: Link to the associated talk-page when set to yes.
  • portal: Link to the named portal. Multiple portals can be linked by separating portals with a forward slash, eg. United States/Australia. Maximum of three portals can be added
  • related_author: Link to the named author. Multiple authors can be linked by separating authors with a forward slash, eg. William Shakespeare/Francis Bacon
  • wikipedia: Link to Wikipedia (displays as article)
  • commons: Link to Wikicommons (displays as media) )
  • commonscat: An alternative link to Wikicommons, this links to a category instead of a gallery (displays as media category)
  • wikiquote: Link to Wikiquote (displays as quotes)
  • wikinews: Link to Wikinews (displays as news)
  • wiktionary: Link to Wiktionary (displays as definition)
  • wikibooks: Link to Wikibooks (displays as textbook)
  • wikiversity: Link to Wikiversity (displays as course)
  • wikispecies: Link to Wikispecies (displays as taxonomy)
  • wikivoyage: Link to Wikivoyage (displays as travel guide)
  • wikidata: Link to Wikidata (displays as data log). NB: Wikidata pages are referenced by an alphanumeric code.
  • wikilivres: Link to Wikilivres (displays as wikilivres)
  • meta: Link to Meta (displays as meta)



The template can be used as follows to create a single interwiki link, author link or portal link:

{{Plain sister
| wikipedia = Test

{{Plain sister
| portal = Portals

{{Plain sister
| related_author = William Shakespeare/Francis Bacon

The template can also be used to display a collection of portal and interwiki links:

{{Plain sister
| edition = yes
| portal = Portals/General Works/World History
| related_author = William Shakespeare/Francis Bacon
| wikipedia = Test
| commons = Test
| commonscat = Test
| wikiquote = Test
| wikinews = Test
| wiktionary = Test
| wikibooks = Test
| wikiversity = Test
| wikispecies = Test
| wikivoyage = Test
| wikidata = Q692
| wikilivres = Test
| meta = Test