
พระราชสาส์นในพระบาทสมเด็จพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัวพระราชทานไปยังประเทศอังกฤษ/ตอน 2/เรื่อง 2

จาก วิกิซอร์ซ

The true literal translalion of the Siamese Royal Communication engraved on golden plate and also written in duplicate in Siamese Character accompanied herewith.

The Surprime Royal Communication of Somdetch Phra "Paramendr Maha Mongkut" the Dominus (L) or ownor Posseser of stream of river and canals of the Capital "Ratnakosindr Mahindrayudia" City of Bangkok in Siam beys (the foresaid royal communication) to pay royal respectful compliment for connecting & increasing of Siamese Royal friendship & popular amity in both Sides, coming to the presence or Kind Notice of Somdetch Phra Nang (Signifying Her Majesty) Victoria Regina who is the great Sovereign of United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland and all its dependencies Hindoostand e.c. begging to acquaint thus—

Upon the fifth month of the year of the constellation of the Hare bearing the number of 1217 of Siamese Astronomical Era, which is the 5th of our present reign (corresponding to the ending part of March and early part of April of the Christian year 1855) His Excellency Sir John Bowring Knight came to this country in Your Majesty's Steam Ship of-war stating that he is the plenipotentiary from Your excelled Majesty, by showing credentials being Sealed paper from Your Majesty that are believable by us without any doubt or suspicion, and that this mission for arrangement & improvement of novel treaty of Amity, friendship and commerce to be more improved than that existed before and respecting us to invest certain individual or party of our officers of State with full power or authority to hold conversation & consultation & to discuss the articles of treaty with them.

Being respectful to Your Majesty's Gracious royal amity & peaceful friendship toward us We have appointed five individuals, namely one of our royal brothers a prince of high rank and four high principal ministers whose names are mentioned in the written treaty, to be in meeting & holding the consultation with Your Majesty's plenipotentiary to discuss & agree for changing certain articles of the former Treaty & adding some a few number of new articles thereto according to Your Majesty's plenipotentiary desires to introduce by his opinion for the necessities suitable to the present connection of both countries' subjects for interest.

The holding of consultation & forming of new treaty was continued but seven days on the last of Saturday the treaty was completely concluded. Whereupon Your Majesty's plenipotentiary was delivered to me some valued presents before my royal throne in presence of great assembly of all members of our council, both princes & nobles stating that Exalted Majesty has on his departure from England sent to bestow to myself through his care and conveyance.

The presents or royal gift are a beautiful watch suspending in fastening pin's head (the writer knew not particular proper name) which are coloured with blue & newly decked with diamonds in diversifying position of emblems or signifying figures of Great Britain & Ireland respectively, attaching blue coloured double chains that hold the watch key in one end & white stone seal containing figure of little Elephant which is signal of Siam, set in golden frame decked with some diamonds, in the other end, the latter both blue coloured and finest golden chain for suspending of the watch on other manner if there might be necessity intervening with or in a golden cylinder made in similar shape of drum ornamented with diamonds, & blue coloured all the fire said up in care upon handsome position & a finest traveller's writing desk covered with black leather bearing the inscription of the name "His Majesty the King of Siam" on its back near of the gilt handle, containing all gilt ornaments and superfine impliments of writing suitable for my own use — all seemed to be presented for congratulation in the cementing of our country with Your Majesty's Subjests on firm amity and friendship by Treaty just concluded.

Upon the moment of deliverence of Your Majesty's gift, I have joyfully & respectfully accepted to be kept for the token of Your Majesty remembrance & our honour. Please permit me therefore to return my great many greatful thanks with most many joy to Your Majesty sincerely. We pray to superagency of the Universe (God be & according to various different faiths) that this amity and friendship between both countries shall be continued so in firm connection as shall be happy & peaceful until the end of the heaven and earth, through Almighty divine blessings & divine grace.

We hope also that this country, which is inferior in fact, and which will become connected with subjects of powerful countries trading & residing here can be SO well managed by us & our Successors as will be continued in peace & happiness from glorious & merciful, notices of Your Majesty & Your Majesty's Successors-on mean while (i. e. by very kind enquirers & accurate justices for the truth & fact, whenever as if any complains might be occurred in certain cases some times on future.

Upon the time of departure of Your Majesty plenipotentiary I have sent some articles of royal present accompanied herewith for Your Majesty's very kind & gracious acceptance (The discription of the articles mentioned in the accompanied catalogue or list written both Siamese & English Characters)

I pray Your Gracious Majesty will please to accept & keep for being taken of remembrance of our Royal friendship, though they are very trifling manufactures of Siamese manufacturers or native thereof who natully possessed but some considerable skill and ability (without more & ere experiment & improvement)

This Royal Communication was written in paper & engraved in golden plate & sealed on Friday being the fourth of waxing moon of the sixth month in the year of heavenly or celestion constellation of the Hare becoming the number of 1217 of Siamese astronomical Era which is the 5th year of our present reign. (corresponding to the 20th April 1855 of the Christian time or European Chronology.)

N.B. This translation is true in meaning of what has been written in Siamese characters & style according to the opinion in the plans which whole Siamese council has agreed. The Siamese style very short must be in difficulty of understanding by English readers who were not practiced thereupon. Wherfore in certain sentences or parts thereof were prolonged with some explanatory sentences & sentences to prevent some difficulty or troublesome in understanding of meaning in Siamese idioms which are very brief & shorted.

The Royal Communication in Siamese language was prepared by the under singned himself who name applied shown on commencement of the royal communication, and was read & perused & reversed by principal members of Siamese council from whose counsel it was written and engraved by officer of writing office.

But the translation thereof in English was done and write by the undersigned himself alone with any one in this assistance according to order of His Excellency Sir John Bowring plenipotentiary who also very hurry in his departure wherefore the undersigned fears he must mistake in certain parts of what he has written hereon.

This was prepared & written
S.P.P.M. Mongkut
first King of Siam
Dated Rajrutyhouse
grand palace Ratnekosindr
Bangkok Siam
22nd April 1855
which is the 5th of our present reign.